Wokingham United Charities mission is to relieve poverty and enhance the quality of life of those people in need in our community

Westende Almshouses, London Road, Wokingham 2021

Ways we help
Cost of Living: Local SupportALMSHOUSE ACCOMMODATION
An almshouse is residential accommodation, usually a house or flat, that belongs to a
charity and is provided to meet the charity’s purposes, for example, the relief of financial
need or infirmity. Wokingham United Charities provides almshouse accommodation to help
relieve financial need for residents of Wokingham Borough. The accommodation is occupied
under licence and the resident is therefore a beneficiary of the charity. Wokingham United
Charities provides high-quality, low-cost accommodation at Westende for people of retirement
age located close to Wokingham town centre. The almshouses’ are semi-sheltered with an
on-site Westende Manager. Residents are charged a maintenance contribution for their flats
which is significantly cheaper than the market price for similar accommodation in the
Wokingham area.
Find out more
Operating a substantial relief in need endowed fund to help people resident in Wokingham Borough who are in poverty, hardship or distress. We offer an essential item grant programme to individuals and families for those requiring an essential item but are unable to fund themselves. Our relief in need grants programme is available to local charities and community groups who provide support or service to residents of Wokingham Borough. We fund projects that provide innovative, sustainable and preventative solutions to issues in the Borough, especially projects that help to reduce and support those in poverty.
Essential Item
For individuals/families requiring financial assistance for essential items, application can
be received from Professional Referrers* supporting the individual/family.
*such as
Housing Officer, Family Worker, Support Worker.
Relief in need Grants - Organisations
For charities, community groups working in the Borough of Wokingham providing services and support to residents for help with financial hardship, further training, mental health and wellbeing
Bright Futures Fund
The Bright Futures Fund provides financial support for a wide range of extracurricular activities, including school trips, club memberships, sports equipment, instrument rental purchase and participation fees. From sports to arts, music to science clubs, we’ve got you covered.